Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Winners and Losers under Obama

Even if you didn't notice, the country has changed a lot in two years under Obama. And, according to a recent article, there are those who are better off than two years ago; there are some who are facing tougher times. First, investors are better off, and corporations have also profitted in over $1.5 trillion the second quarter of 2010. Also, homebuyers are in better shape because of a market that is stabilizing and low interest rates, homebuying isn't as crucial as it use to be. In addition, consumers are better off; overall prices have only risen 2.6% in the past two years, and people are rationalizing money better because of tight incomes.
However, there are those whose situation hasn't improved. For undereducated people, the unemployment raised has raised to 15.4% for people without a diploma. Similarly, as housing, construction, manufacturing, and other industries that tend to employ less-skilled workers lag far behind the overall economy. Companies that are hiring, meanwhile, are cherry-picking workers with "multiple skill sets" and educational attainments that set them apart from hordes of others looking for work. Even though homebuyers are doing better, homeowners aren't; since November 2008, home owners have lost an additional $300 billion or so in the value of their homes, according to the latest data from the Federal Reserve. Also, low-income Americans haven't benefitted, and since people are unemployed the middle class continues to get smaller. Next, job seekers haven't benefitted. There were 10.6 million unemployed people when Obama got elected; today there are 14.8 million. And for every job opening, there are 4.6 applicants (up from 3.8 two years ago). So by that measure, it's harder to get a job today. In contrast, the worst of the recession is behind us, and America will improve economically.


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