Monday, January 24, 2011

Hiring plans top layoffs by most in 12 years

Industry economists say the U.S. economic recovery is gaining strength, with more firms expressing positive hiring plans than in over a decade. Eighty-two percent of the economists expected the nation's economy to grow by two to four percent in 2011, up from 54 percent in October. The latest government data had the economy growing at a 2.6-percent annual rate in the July-September quarter. However, more layoffs were expected in the transportation, utility, information and communications sectors. Many results are expressed as Net Rising Index, or NRI (the percentage of panelists reporting better outlooks minus the percentage whose outlook is bleaker.) Economists who saw their companies' profits grow in the final quarter of 2010 outpaced those who saw margins shrink by an NRI of 21 percent.
The results of this survey show that our country is getting better. It would take time but we've made progress. Also, it's going to take a drastic event to completely turn our economy around.

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