Monday, November 22, 2010

St. Louis Most Dabgerous City

      St. Louis overtook Camden, N.J., as the nation's most dangerous city in 2009, according to a national study released Sunday.  The CQ Press concluded that St. Louis had 2,070.1 violent crimes per 100,000 residents, compared with a national average of 429.4. That helped St. Louis beat out Camden, which topped last year's list and was the most dangerous city for 2003 and 2004.  Detroit and Flint, Mich., and Oakland, Calif., rounded out the top five.  The annual rankings are based on population figures and crime data compiled by the FBI.  Which some have found to be slightly irrational.
     Erica Van Ross, spokeswoman for the St. Louis Police Department, said, "Crime is based on a variety of factors. It's based on geography, it's based on poverty, it's based on the economy".

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