Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Middle East progression

     The Middle Eastern region of our world was once the most advanced and had the most fascinating culture.  Also, it's empires have stood through the test of time.  However, in the last 300 years the interest and the power of the Middle eastern region has significantly decreased.   As a result, of religious conflicts and the formation of industrial based countries.  We are at a time now where the Middle East is considered a place of second and third wolrd countries.
     This is also something the people there are not happy about.   People in the Middle East feel strong about their history and culture.  But, people outside think nothing of it because it is simply just history and as far as the right now goes, Middle East countries are inferior.  With such a rich history and influences on the things we do today, why aren't Middle East countries considered powers in the world?  One simple reason is because they haven't changed their government or the industries of their country.
      In most Middle East governments religion continues to be apart of the governement.  Because of this, most countries aren't willing to make strides to become a world power because it doesn't fit the standards of their religion.  Also, Middle Eastern countries have yet to go thrugh major industrializations and modernization.  For example, some of the biggest cities there look like cities from biblical times.   All I'm saying is if they're tired of being picked on by us bigger countries, then modernize, use some of the rsources you have, keep your religious beliefs seperate from the government, and probably the praise will be restored back to the Middle East.

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